Few days ago Justyna and Ola were in Kraków on Play Instinct (polish “Instynkt Gry”) exhibition. The main purpose of this was to show how to create games. Lieskie has spoken more on this topic. He worke on illustrations and music in board games. He is also co-author on some games like “Catan” (polish “Osadnicy z Catanu”), “Puerto Rico”, “Alhambra” oraz “Dominion”.
More: http://www.haraldlieske.de/
Here are Justyna and Herald 🙂
Ola and Justyna got to know the secrets of how games are created from
the initial idea, through development of the concept to the final
graphic. After intensive study, the time has came for the game… 🙂
Girls tested the game from the exhibition Spiel Trieb. They played mainly on the “Suck the balls” (that’s the official name) – so it is a big “shower balls”. It was necessary to first use vacuum cleaner to suck enough balls to fill the tank and then drain them on own head 🙂
Another game was “Superplexus Interlace” – maze in a ball. You have to carry out a bullet in one of the six corridors
The first level was easy and six was for experts.
The girls played in the maze, where with the help of eye movement player moved the labyrinth so that the ball did not fall into any hole. The game had two levels of difficulty,
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