Google Glass what we can or can’t

At the beginning of what we can do with Google Glass:

Discussions on the Internet is not silent about the Google Glass, many of us definitely are waiting for time when we can buy those glasses. Meanwhile, Google in a short film shows what is allowed and what is not for the owners of the glass.

So before you start recording, for example when we are on a great birthday party with Mike, we must of course give a voice command to start filming. Google also published list of “Do’s and Dont’s” ( – you should ask people before recording.

And remember – don’t be a Glasshole 😉


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Facebook announces new app called “Paper”

New app from Facebook gives us a place where we can watch information and photos from friends and family. You can look for news from range of categories. Application will also continue to help us keep track of our favorite hobbies.

It looks like a Flipboard clone in some functionality 😉 It has really amazing design and user experience.

It will be available on 3th of February.


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Friday :)


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Box for iOS – 50 GB of free storage

Do you need more cloud storage? Just download the update of Box app (version 3.0) and enjoy five times more storage compared to the one that we have before.
In addition to store documents, as part of the new update we have faster processing of documents and ability to play them in real time, and also one more big advantage – an improved interface.

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